Bonus 9: Virtual DIstractions
With everything going on in the world as we’re dealing with Coronavirus, we all need a few distractions. So I thought I’d share a list of them for you to take your mind off things for a bit.
But before I do that, have you seen this adorable coronavirus video on TikTok? When I start to get anxious, I just imagine this little guy and hear “It’s corona time” in my head.
Free Museums
Did you know that there are museums offering online tours? From the Musée d’Orsay in Paris to the Guggenheim in New York you can travel the world while social distancing. This article from Travel & Leisure has the list.
Shakespeare + Stewart
You can continue your high brow distractions with Patrick Stewart, who is reading Shakespeare every day on his Instagram feed, @sirpatstew.
Free online concerts
Several performers are offering free concerts online. Too many to list here. One of my faves is the free daily performance from Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie. Every day at 6 p.m. Central he’s is doing a “Live from Home” performance series on YouTube.
There are also a couple lists out there that are helpful in finding each day’s free shows:
From Billboard
From NPR
Couch Choir
And last but not least, here’s Pub Choir video that might put a smile on your face.
What distractions have you found useful these days? Post them in the comments section!